Honey Harvest

By tadge, 22 August, 2023
Frame of capped honey
Well once again the honey harvest has exceeded what I planned for. A total of 10 medium supers were pulled from the hives this year, which gave us right around 200 lbs of honey. We had enough jars and bottles to get about 140 pounds put away, leaving almost a full 5 gallon bucket of honey that still needs to be processed, thankfully the jars are on their way. Now it is time to start to put the bees back so that they can gather some Fall honey and get ready for the Winter. I personally enjoy the Fall honey as much as the Spring and Summer honey. To me it is more complex and interesting, but extracting honey for me twice in a year as I have grown seems like a bigger undertaking that I can handle right now. So the bees get to keep the honey that they bring in from here on out.
